SpotOption Launches Binary Options MT4 Plug-In

SpotOption Launches Binary Options MT4 Plug-In 1SpotOption launched their first ever Binary Options MT4 plug-in, which can be used with their famous platforms. SpotOption is one of the leading software providers for binary options trading and this release will only add to stabilizing their position as one of the top service provider in the industry.

SpotOption announced the launch of this new plug-in at Cyprus IFX Expo, an event in which SpotOption was the major sponsor. They acclaimed that the new plug-in was tested and also officially used in a few of their white labels, who are responsible for licensing the SpotOption’s trading platform for Binary Options.

Features of the new plug-in

The new plug-in will provide users with a host of never-before-seen options, which will maximize the trading options for the SpotOption’s users. It will automatically include the binary options trading with the MT4 platform, provided to the traders by forex operators. Integration is also pretty simple and straightforward. It just takes a single download from both the trader and operator’s side. This will make the increasingly popular binary options trading method available to the trader also.

The new plug-in also comes with a form called as the webtrader form, which will facilitate trading from any point where internet access is available. You don’t have to worry about the updates between your desktop platform and the webtrader form. The balance will be automatically synchronized and you will have the same figures on both the desktop-based platform and the webtrader the next time you login.

Spot on time

SpotOption also seems to have got their timing spot on with the release. CySEC had recently announced that binary options trading is being officially considered as one of the financial instruments. SpotOption also had the reputation of being the foremost company to be granted a license as the market makers offering a binary options trading tool.

The move by the company will facilitate the smooth processing of binary options trading. Also, forex operators can easily explain their offerings to potential customers and also make them understand the value of binary options trading. They will also help traders in maximizing their revenues via cross-trading and expanding their database.

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