Night Owl Signals

Night Owl Signals no longer operate.

Hi, LotzofBotz here!

Once again turning my attention to services that actually can make you money, educate you and generally give you a real trading perspective instead of fake marketing reviews by scammers and brokers who are only out to take your money! In this review we have “Night Owl Signals” they are a biweekly service specializing in trading no more then 5 pairs with their own set of indicators and templates that they teach their members how to use on their own. This is important because this allows them to no only give LIVE REAL TIME signals through screen sharing/chat but also shows the logic of their trading from a professional point of view. They offer two different sessions both morning 9:30-11AM and evening 8:30-10PM EST time. Again I recommend this services because of transparency and professional grinder methodology more so then just the trading of the proprietor Chris’s trading which I can see as being profitable but think he could do better with more focus imo, still with that being said his method that he teaches I can imagine others being very profitable using it. Now watching him I can see he will win about 2 out of 3 maybe sometimes less or more on average weekly. I watched him for several weeks and he gave ample notification of upcoming trade entries as well as extreme focus on setups all pointing to a objective profit oriented trader demonstrated in the video below. They also offer “FREE TRADING TUESDAYS” so you can test them out with no commitment and see if its for you.

As we see in this video he is 100% focused on making solid setups for each session and grinding it out day in and day out. These are all marks of a professional so take note of this as these are the qualities one would need demonstrated live in this video. Also note how he notifies you ahead of time to get ready to “CLICK/ENTER” the trade to the second! Very important if you wish to duplicate a Signal Providers entries as you would here. He also cares about his subscribers willing to argue with the brokers such as CTOption who tried to screw their clients on a clear win as demonstrated in this video. He is there for you and a disciplined focused trader you can easily follow their REAL TIME SIGNALS/SETUPS!


Note in the picture above they trade only 5 charts which consist of 4 pairs in total EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD and AUD/USD all 1 min and last a 5 minute chart which he varies between the pairs but mostly it is focused on the 5 min EUR/USD. This is the screen you will see where you can talk with Chris live in the chatroom and listen to him as he analyzes the market and alerts you to setups again all in a very professional profit focused format that I enjoyed watching with his style of trading.

My final thoughts on “Night Owl Signals” is they are professional grinders that can deliver profits to their followers as well as a great introduction to what it really is like to trade for a living with their live video/voice/text chatroom. This is how all “Signal Providers” should provide signals to their subscribers imo and again try it for yourself with their “FREE TUESDAYS” That is open to the public weekly!

Enjoy, LotzofBotz!

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