Going Mobile with Binary Options

Introduction to Mobile Trading

Have you ever been in a situation where you set a trade in the morning, but had to rush off to work so fast that you really did not have time to analyze your trade properly?


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This is a situation that keeps a lot of traders who combine trading with their regular 9 to 5 jobs on edge. At work, it is virtually impossible to monitor trades as many offices have firewalls on their computers to block attempts to logon to external websites. How do you manage a trade in such a situation? This was and still is one of the strongest cases for mobile trading.

Trading platforms have been in use since the early days of online trading. Over the years, online brokers have brought in several innovations. Some of these innovations have been made possible through the groundbreaking work of gurus like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and the guys at Oracle, Cisco and various IT companies. Where there is a need, we will see attempts to fill that need, which is why we now have trading platforms for the mobile phone.

Mobile Binary Options Trading

Many binary options brokers have not adapted to the new wave of technology, but it won’t be long before they do. People love the easy life. That is why convenience appliances do well in the market. With smartphone companies selling millions of products every month, the mobile trading platform will quickly become very popular.

There are restrictions with using conventional trading platforms. There are places where you cannot take a laptop. There are some cities where you stand a chance of getting robbed of your laptop if you happen to be in the wrong place. With a mobile trading platform, these restrictions disappear. You can trade anywhere, anytime. You can even be in a public toilet and check your trades while you answer the call of nature.

We will soon get to a point where online brokers who do not have mobile trading platforms on their product suite will lose a significant portion of their market share.

I recently reviewed a mobile trading platform for a binary options broker, and I must say that it was a wonderful experience. The binary win rates are indeed high as it is easier to monitor trades. The “set-and-forget” practice that puts many day traders on edge whenever they are away from their PCs will now be a thing of the past.

Trading with a mobile phone gives you flexibility that you otherwise would not have with a laptop. One broker that offers smartphone binary options trading is Optionfair. The same functionality you would get from a laptop or desktop computer is the same you would get from an iPhone, iPad or Android device.

Another advantage is that we are gradually seeing tools and add-ons being developed specifically for trading binary options on smartphones. This is sure to enhance trading functionality and improve user experience.

If you are a trader looking for a mobile means of trading binary options, you can use the online review sites to search for binary options brokers that offer this option. You can also visit the app stores for the iPhone, Android-based phones and Blackberry, and search specifically for forex trading platforms or binary options platform to see what is on offer.

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