

Yesterday offered so many trades or should I call them traps instead? It was an extremely choppy day. I started the day seeing right away it was going to be difficult. I thought the same of tuesday but that turned out to be completely wrong as I was 6 wins 0 losses on that day. But unfortunately I was not wrong about wednesday. It was an exceptionally difficult day to trade would not matter what you use or how you traded in my opinion. I passed on most of the trades that would normally be good signals, even with that I ended up taking 8 trades which is a lot considering I did not want to trade that much with what I was seeing. My day ended with 5 wins 3 losses even with the extreme cherry picking. It was kind of sad to see such great trades go OTM the last minute on some 5 pip spike in a few seconds, which kept happening time and time again. But even with that I felt I traded it well considering I could have easily had a 3 loss in a row day and ended it in the red, so this was a small victory.

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Starting my Day off I had 2 good signals on the Aussie of which I only took this one with the binaries. This was the best trade of the day fit all the filters and was in sync across all time frames. After Entry it went directly lower with out stop and with little hesitation. The ticks were fantastic. I did not expect much from with how the market was moving so a nice start of the day.

Chop Suey 2

The next trade I had on the GU was clearly a win had great movement but then the last minute jumps up past my entry to put me out of the money on the trade, in which I was cursing for a bit of time afterwards. It was a perfect trade very upsetting to see a clear win go back on you after such a nice and noticed this happening alot on more then just the GU but Oil Gold EU Dax. So this was warning enough to me to pick my trades very carefully as I was getting signals constantly with them jerking the price up and down with the odd long ranges. This trade was a win and good example of normal behavior after the jerked move previously I was hit from the trade before.

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This trade on the EU was very solid and was atypical behavior after a signal was triggered. In the future I will make videos of these trades live to let you see both good and bad trades after a signal is initiated so you can see what manipulation or a jerky market looks like trading binary options. But from a signal I want to see exactly price movement like this chart above and the chart below as well. Where the ticks and price are all in alignment/sync.

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The next trade on the EU also fit the bill for an atypical behavior after a signal is triggered. Both trades happened right from around 1.2760-61 and both went below or at least ticked below very quickly from entry only had to wait a few seconds. The second trade on the EU had a better drop. As the market had strong pushes lower I really wanted to only take sell side trades the whole day. Which I did not do and should have as 2 of my losses were on calls today ironically enough.

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This next trade on Gold was my second favorite due to the movement and depth it was perfectly in sync on various time frames and the ticks were fantastic on it. Like most of the trade signals that day it did hesitate and dip back below entry for a brief time but the end time I had for the trade was close to perfect as it ended near the high side well above the entry at expiry time. I have started answering questions on the site Q/A section here –> http://forum.binaryoptions.net/ Most people for some reason like to email me which is not always best. Feel free to ask questions there I will try to answer them in a timely manner and its also helpful to others as they might have the same questions or find out something they did not know! Remember sharing is caring lol! Till next time, Enjoy!

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