Blue Sky Binary Group
Hi everyone,
I wanted to review one binary options signal service that I recently signed up for. I’ve tried BOLS and some of the scam bots out there and till date I’ve lost >$5,000 in binary options trading. For me, trading rooms are better as I’m an active trader and like to learn as well. So the below service I recommend is actually for those of you who are serious about making money (and not simply logging in, placing 1-2 trades on the request of a signal service and then partying).
>>>Click here to visit the Blue Sky Binary website<<<
Most signal services I have tried either don’t work or work but send poor quality signals owing to a) time delay b) shitty algorithms. So lately I’ve signed up to some trading rooms like Lion’s Den and they are doing a good job. Only downside is that they are only open in U.S market hours.
Being based in Europe, this leaves me with hours to wait before I can enter. So I found a trade recommendation service called Blue Sky Binary. I’ve been with them for a few weeks and I can safely say, these guys know a LOT about the binary markets and are not bullshitters. This is a breath of fresh air for binary option newbies like myself.
The Pros:
European Market hours as well (they start from 5am GMT) and also offer 4 hours of U.S hour trading, thereby hitting two time zones.
Senior traders are kept well abreast of fundamental and technical influencers and so their signals and trade recommendations do actually work (they are getting 75% + ITM and had one day with 100% ITM last week, 5 trades!)
2nd Opinion: I have a lot of trades I would like to trade but my personal ITM is like 55% so I submit it to the traders and get their instant view on whether it will be a winner. I think this social aspect of trading is great and gives confidence.
No broker signup, no forced deposit, they actually have a legit trading company behind it and allow introductory chats with the team before you committing any money (i put up a fuss on this ;).
Nature of trades are not 60 seconds but are 15 to 30 minute trade expiry
Volume of trades: This was awesome; over 10 -15 trades per day
Doctor’s opinion: I love the fact i can submit my trade ideas to them for a second view point!
They have a free trial period, so far, I have not paid them anything but have learned some very powerful trading strategies and made money on their trade advice
The Cons:
No official signal service. While trade recommendations are good, it does mean everyone needs to be in the Skype room. So this is for dedicated traders only. Might not appeal to the masses.
Price – this is a comment about trade rooms in general; I think they are too pricey. Lion’s Den is $100/month, Blue Sky Binary is $50. I think they should be around $20-30/month as they don’t actually generate signals that are sent to email or SMS.
No voice room – its a Skype-based chat room, does the job, but it takes time to type! I’d prefer something more webinar based with Q&A.
Overall verdict:
I’ve actually made money with Blue Sky Binary and learned strategies so I can trade by myself! My best run was growing a $250.00 account to $11,700 using one of their strategies (I can verify this). Sadly greed got the better of me and I blew it very quickly LOL. I also love that I can send them my trade calls and they let me know if it is a risky trade or not.
Highly recommended.